FUDCon APAC 2014/GNOME.ASIA Summit 2014 大会已圆满结束。以下报告简要介绍了大会参与人员对本次会议的满意程度等内容。同时根据调查信息,做了简单分析。
This brief report is based on the official survey result of FUDCon APAC 2014/GNOME.ASIA Summit 2014.
报告中图表统计数据来自会后进行的互联网调查。为方便统计,对原数据的内容做了适当整理和调整。去除了调查结果中重复投票、无效投票等,最终有效参与调查人数为 90 人。 另外,对大会的报名数据也进行了简单的统计。
Some responds data are simplified for data analysis. Duplicate and invalid respond are removed.
数据经整理后导出为 csv 文件,由 R 做图。 The survey data was exported to CSV file and anylized in R.
根据报名数据,对参会者性别进行了统计。统计结果分两组:第一组为已报名,并最终签到;第二组为所有报名人员。从结果可看出参会者以男性为主, 225 人,而报名人数中共有 365 人为男性。
The first figure reflects the gender proportion of the checked in attendees, the second figure shows the gender proportion of all the attendees who regsistered on the web. Both figures shows that male attendees play the major role.
如何得知本次活动 (How did you know the conference?) | 票数 (Vote) |
朋友推荐 Friends | 35 |
邮件列表 Mailing List | 29 |
社交网络(Google Plus/微博等) Social Networks (Google Plus/Weibo etc) | 29 |
媒体报道 News Report | 9 |
网络论坛/BBS Web Forums/BBS | 9 |
其他 Other | 4 |
感觉分数为 1-5 分。5 分表示感觉最满意。 The options range from 1 to 5, which 5 means very satisfied.
满意度 Total Feel | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
得票数 Votes | 0 | 3 | 13 | 33 | 31 |
在有效的参与调查者中,共 80 人回答本问题。其中有 31 人对会议日程和题目安排感觉为 5 分(最高分)。33 人感觉为 4 分,13 人感觉为 3 分,另有 3 人感觉为 2 分。 80 people responded to this question, 31 of them felt very satisfied (5), 33 thought it satisfied, 13 thought somewhat satisfied and 3 thought little satisfied.
职业(Occupation) | 人数(Number) |
公司职员 Company Employee | 49 |
在校学生 Enrolled Student | 28 |
政府/非营利组织成员Government/Non-profit Organization Member | 3 |
自由职业者 Freelancer | 8 |
其它 Other | 0 |
共有 88 人回答本问题。其中公司职员占半数左右(49),其次为学生(28)。 88 people responded to the question, company employee takes the major role of the attendees' occupation.
满意度 Satisfication degree | 票数 Vote |
非常满意 Very satisfied | 45 |
比较满意 Moderately satisfied | 32 |
一般般 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | 6 |
不太满意 Moderately dissatisfied | 2 |
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied | 0 |
其它 Other (无线不太好用 WiFi service not good) | 1 |
在最喜欢的演讲题目调查中,共 61 人对问题作出了回答,另有 29人未对问题做出答复。答复者中有的回答列出了不止一个演讲题目,为统计方便,仅保留第一选择。 Totally 61 people gave their opinions. Some answers contains more than one answer, but only the first one is used as valid vote. Another 29 didn't answer the question.
Title | Votes |
Computing, Freedom and Privacy | 17 |
A perspective for systemd | 11 |
Integrating Open-source Hardware into School Curricula: The Community Development of Scratch and Sensors in Taiwan | 3 |
Ramblings from the governing body of the GNOME Foundation | 3 |
FOSS & Education in Taiwan with Ezilla project | 2 |
Next Generation Input methods | 2 |
openQA and Automated Desktop Testing | 2 |
‘CD’ using Docker | 1 |
Bringing Indonesian scripts and local languages to GNOME | 1 |
Creating a Free World In Computer Classrooms | 1 |
Fedora on ARM | 1 |
Fedora.Next: Features and Friends | 1 |
Firefox OS | 1 |
Free software | 1 |
Gnome document translation | 1 |
GNOME Documentation: helping you learn and give back | 1 |
GStreamer debugging with GstPadProbe | 1 |
HackRF and GNURadio | 1 |
How to ignore users' needs | 1 |
Life of Translator | 1 |
Local weather information and GNOME shell extension | 1 |
Sandboxed Applications for GNOM | 1 |
What we do on promoting FOSS in China | 1 |
What’s cooking in GNOME - 3.12 under the hood | 1 |
在回答的结果中,得票最高的是 Computing, Freedom and Privacy,其次是 A perspective for systemd。两者之和接近回答结果半数。 The most liked speech is Computing, Freedom and Privacy, the second is A perspective for systemd. The votes of the two hold almost half of the whole votes.
在对最不喜欢的演讲题目的回答中,共 33 人对问题作出了回答。明确指出不喜欢题目的回答为 15 个。另有 57人未对问题做出答复。 33 answered the question, and 15 of them pointed out the speech name they didn't like.